Brigid Watts will be the guest speaker at our next gathering.
“Stand there and radiate love, your Spirit Friends will feel that love and join you” Estelle Roberts always close to my heart, for I believe that the Spirit World is always with us, they reach out and all we need to do is Trust. Having worked with Spirit for the last 17 years, I have been able to expand my understanding of Spiritualism, through training at the Arthur Findlay College I worked on my Discipline in providing Proof of Survival. My passion is working in the way of the Pioneers and helping all workers see that there is no limit to your ability. We are all Sunflowers we follow the light of Spirit.” Prayers will be led by Reverend Rita and meditation will be led by Reverend Glenn. Click here for the Wednesday night gathering page. Please arrive for 6:45pm, we start at 7pm sharp!
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